GCA tackles full agenda

We had some very cold days in January, but there was lots going on at the Glebe Community Association! After a brief break for the holidays, we had a full agenda for our meeting on January 25.

We were pleased to welcome our new member of Parliament, Yasir Naqvi. He is not a new face for many of us, but it was great to hear about some of his priorities. He is focused on the need for affordable housing and the need to take action against climate change and racial injustice.

Jonathan McLeod, from Councillor Shawn Menard’s office, is a regular attendee at our meetings and provided several updates about development, heritage considerations and active transportation.

The board passed four motions:

Following a recommendation by the GCA’s Transportation Committee, the board endorsed the idea of working with Menard’s office to prepare a proposal for funding to conduct a transportation pilot study in the neighbourhood. The scope and structure of the study are still under discussion. This study could provide a basis for advancing GCA positions with respect to transportation in the Glebe.

After two years of virtual sales, we know that folks are eager to hear if the Great Glebe Garage Sale will go ahead this year. The sale is tentatively planned for May 28, subject to any public health restrictions that are in place at that time. Given the amazing level of vaccine uptake in Ottawa (well done, everyone!), we are very hopeful that the sale will go ahead this year. A decision on whether it is in-person will be made closer to the time.

As part of the City’s review of its Parkland Dedication Bylaw, the board passed a motion: that emphasizes the importance of providing parkland with development (or providing contributions in lieu if parkland itself is not feasible); that asks the City to implement its target parkland policies as identified in its Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan to meet population growth; and that encourages the City to explore opportunities to meet these targets more effectively, especially in neighbourhoods that are deficient in parkland per capita.

The GCA has filed an appeal of the City’s decision to re-zone 30-48 Chamberlain Avenue to accommodate a 16-storey mixed use building. Given the need to share confidential information, often on short notice, the GCA board decided to strike an ad hoc committee to provide guidance and advice on the preparation of the appeal.

I also reported to the board that the executive passed a time-sensitive motion in December (in between board meetings) to request that the federal government undertake a full environmental assessment of the Ottawa Hospital development project. My letter to the Minister of the Environment is on our website.

We also heard a lot about the great work going on in some of the GCA’s committees:

We continue our partnership with Operation Come Home’s Bottleworks initiative that provides work experience for vulnerable youth and provides a service to our community. This service is subject to public health restrictions, but we hope to be in the Kunstadt Sports parking lot on February 19 and March 19.

Are the sidewalks accessible for you to walk on safely, even with all this snow? Please check out the Council on Aging’s Snow Moles initiative (coaottawa.ca/snowmoles/) and report the conditions of the sidewalks you use.

We are actively discussing with the City ways to address the affordable housing crisis by building affordable housing right in our own neighbourhood. Check out Dan Chook Reid’s article in this issue of the Glebe Report.

The Heritage Committee is looking at parts of our neighbourhood that could be designated as Heritage Conservation Districts to preserve Glebe homes listed on the Heritage Register.

The Transportation Committee is looking at how to improve safety around Mutchmor and Corpus Christi schools and is considering feedback about the use of the Queen Elizabeth Driveway on weekends during the winter for walking, biking and other active transportation activities.

You may also be interested to know that as part of its evaluation of the bistro pilot project at Patterson Creek, the National Capital Commission will do a survey in mid-February. We will share the link when it is available so you can provide your comments.

Our meetings are open and you are very welcome to attend. We meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Please contact Janet, the board secretary (secretary@glebeca.ca) if you would like to join us. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, February 22.

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