Acorn Early Learning Centre celebrates 15 years!
Acorn’s study this year is climate. Rory (23 months) explores wind as he works with a cool hair dryer to push his paint around on the canvas. The result is beautiful! PHOTO: JOANNE SAUNDERS
By Joanne Saunders
I want to thank the Glebe and the adjoining communities who have supported and helped Acorn Early Learning Centre to become an important part of the lives of the children and families that we serve.
Our partners, the Chinese United Church, the Red Apron (our caterer), Olga’s Deli and our past and present families have all had a part in creating a happy, safe learning place for children. As we move forward, we hope that our investment in the families we serve through the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care program will have a further positive impact and help in these trying times.
Thank you for your support and for giving myself and my staff a fabulous life in this community. Looking forward to many more years!
Joanne Saunders (Miss Jo) is the executive director of Acorn Early Learning Centre.