Capital Ward Candidates for Councillor
There are five candidates for the councillor seat in Capital Ward, which includes the Glebe, in the upcoming election on October 22. The Glebe Report asked each candidate for 400 words on why we should vote for them.
Jide Afolabi
Bold Ideas for a Better Ottawa
There is much to celebrate about Ottawa. Ours is a vibrant city. Still, our good legacy must not leave room for complacency. There is much that can be better in our city.
We recycle much of our waste, but continue to fill landfills. According to the Ottawa Community Foundation, we sent roughly 342 tonnes of garbage to landfills daily in 2014! I propose the incineration of our garbage to generate energy, and the liquification of the resulting gases for mixing into concrete. These are scientifically feasible solutions for zero landfill provisioning and zero environmental impact.
I also propose a phasing out of the serving of single-use plastics in our commercial establishments. According to the World Economic Forum, we are on pace to having plastics outweigh marine life in our oceans by 2050! While this is not a problem we can singularly resolve as a city, it is nonetheless imperative that we start by halting the most egregious instances of our commercially induced reliance on plastics.
Dangers for cyclists on our roads remain all too real. The absence of full modal separation means that cyclists constantly must concern themselves with survival and drivers must concern themselves with not being the cause of a grievous occurrence. I propose full modal separation as a default, starting with barriers on existing paths, as well as bike and pedestrian bridges beside the Bank, Billings and Bronson bridges.
Over the course of this campaign, I have heard residents remark on the need to protect and enlarge our urban forest. I propose the “Ottawa Tree Corps.” Let’s bring together the need for trees and the need to support students and youth through the provision of summer jobs and life skills.
It is important that new development be in line with the character of established neighbourhoods. I propose a bylaw that would see variance applications by developers overridden if a given number of neighbourhood residents oppose in writing – a “petition with teeth” if you will.
Visit for my complete platform. I am a lawyer with 18 years of experience and a history of social justice focused on indigenous reconciliation and self-government. I have been active in advocating for smart solutions to Ottawa’s concerns through nextOttawa, a non-profit. I ask for your vote on the 22nd of October. With your support, our city can commence the implementation of bold ideas for a better Ottawa.
Anthony Carricato
My vision for Capital Ward is driven by smart and sustainable development, where residents have a greater say in the decisions that shape their community. I see a dynamic ward that supports local businesses and welcomes families with affordable housing, excellent municipal services and modern city facilities.
My commitment to the area inspired me to join the Glebe Community Association and serve as its vice-president. I witnessed first-hand the complacency and fatigue of the incumbent councillor, who publicly admitted to giving up fighting city council on planning decisions. We need new leadership to defend our interests at City Hall. There is work to be done to make Capital Ward even better.
Top three priorities for the City of Ottawa
- Better rules mandating earlier public consultation for developers to guide planning decisions and provide clarity and certainty to all
- Opposing unfair increases in property taxes
- Installing compost and recycling collection in all city facilities, including parks, with separate bins for pet waste.
Top three priorities for Capital Ward
- Enforcing current development and zoning bylaws for infill projects, rooming houses and building height
- Requiring affordable housing units in future developments
- Championing the revitalization of the Rideau Canal and the protection of green spaces and trees
Top three priorities for the Glebe, Glebe Annex and Dow’s Lake
- Improving the safety of Bronson Avenue for pedestrians and children who live in the Dow’s Lake area
- Ensuring future developments in the Glebe Annex include amenities such as grocery stores
- Bringing an outdoor boarded hockey rink to the Glebe
Bringing people together
This campaign is about empowering our communities in Capital Ward and restoring their voice at City Hall. I’m proud to have already canvassed more than 12,000 doors all across our ward and plan to hit many more before October’s election. In talking to our neighbours, I am hearing one thing loud and clear: residents want less partisanship in municipal politics and more collaboration to move our city forward.
Over the past decade, I have gained considerable experience in uniting people from different political parties in pursuit of shared goals through my work in the Office of the Speaker of the House of Commons.
I look forward to earning your support on October 22 and working together to improve our community.
Your neighbour,
Anthony Carricato
David Chernushenko
At a recent event I heard from a lifelong resident that she had never felt better represented, nor seen a councillor work harder for people. Such praise was flattering, and I took a moment to bask in it. But I know my past efforts and record will only be a part of what voters will want to consider. You also need to feel that returning me for another term is your best choice. So why vote DavidC?
I will find and champion solutions to the challenges you have told me matter most. I will do so with energy and resolve, but also with the experience and influence I have acquired, and relationships I have built. The best councillor is not one who fights against other members of council or staff; rather one who challenges them, while at the same time building alliances to deliver the 14 votes required to pass any critical motion or fund any important project.
Some Achievements (2014-18)
- The Flora Footbridge will connect communities across the ward and beyond – five years ahead of its original schedule.
- Energy Evolution – Ottawa’s Renewable Energy Transition Strategy. I conceived of and saw through to completion Phase One. Multiple projects are underway.
- The Urban Forest Management Plan will protect and expand our urban canopy – heralded by community groups across the city. Implementation has begun.
- Curtailed inappropriate infill through use of Streetscape Character Analysis, end to “Conversions,” R3 Zoning Review and R4 Zoning Review (Phase One).
- Renegotiated the green bin contract to allow for pet waste inclusion, a better deal for taxpayers and increased convenience. Shifting to compostable bags is now possible.
- Bronson Avenue (Canal to Carleton) calming measures
- O’Connor Segregated Bike Lane
- Safer crossings of Queen Elizabeth Drive (three locations)
My and Your Priorities for 2018-22
- More affordable and supportive housing
- Greater planning certainty for a greener Ottawa through the new Official Plan
- Living Streets – thriving and inviting for all users and ages
- Better sidewalk, pathway and road repair
- Real progress on Ottawa’s climate commitments
- Tree canopy expansion and a stronger Tree Conservation Bylaw
Your councillor has one vote. It should be cast with the public good in mind. I have never taken money from developers. It keeps me free of favour, which I consider a bulwark of democracy.
I am also resolutely non-partisan, holding no party membership.
With your support, I will continue working to make our community safer, healthier and more welcoming.
Christine McAllister
Your Voice at City Hall
I’ve called Capital Ward and the Glebe home for 15 years and I’ve been involved in the community ever since I first arrived. It is a wonderful place to live and raise a family.
As president of the Glebe Community Association (GCA) for four years, I reached out to engage residents in the Glebe and the broader community. This resulted in renewed energy and volunteerism, which in turn produced more greenspace (Firehall Park, Exploration Garden), improved – though not perfectly – development projects (Beer Store/Mr. Muffler, McKale’s property), new committees (Health & Social Services, Tenants) and a number of environmental initiatives. I believe engagement leads to good results and that we need a strong, engaged and responsive voice at city hall. That’s why I’m running to be your councillor.
I’ve been knocking on doors across the ward since I announced my candidacy, listening to your priorities and visions for the future. I’ve heard from residents about the need for development that should respect both community concerns and the character of our neighbourhoods. I’ve also heard about maintaining a vibrant Bank Street, taking action on the environment, parks and greenspaces, and promoting safety for cyclists and pedestrians.
If I have the honour of representing you on City Council, I will continue to engage as I always have and revive the Ward Council to bring together community leaders. I will work to strengthen community expertise in the planning process, develop a Capital Ward parks plan with residents and advocate for better cycling in the Bank Street corridor. You can read my full platform at
A Bit About Me
From 2013 to 2017, I was president of the GCA and chair of its Education Committee from 2009 to 2011. I also served as president of the Good Morning Creative Arts & Preschool. I am a member of Ottawa Centre Refugee Action, United Way Ottawa’s Spark and a previous board member of the Ottawa Community Loan Fund. I was recognized for my community work with an Ontario 150 award in 2017.
Professionally, I have a strong background in business, financial management and payments policy. I am currently Director of Modernization at Payments Canada. I hold an honours degree in political science from Western University and a master of business administration from the University of Windsor.
I am a wife and the mother of three children, an avid canoeist, cross-country skier and runner.
Shawn Menard
Shawn Menard for Ottawa City Council – Fight for your city
Developers and corporate money are in charge at City Hall. The public engagement process is broken, often with pre-determined outcomes. Our representatives have done little to curb and adapt to the greatest threat we face – irreversible climate change – while the taxes we pay in Capital Ward are being allocated to destructive sprawl and road expansion. Together, we can change this direction.
We need to show leadership by:
- Making the Glebe a priority – Developers will be made to respect the zoning of our area. We will revive a Ward Council to bring together community leaders from all communities of the ward, improve snow clearance and winter safety, and review speeding on residential roads.
- Cancelling the present councillor’s decision to promote plastic bags in the green bin with no evidence and instead bringing motions to phase out and ban single use plastics in Ottawa.
- Voting against ever increasing transit fares in this city in the face of declining ridership, and presenting our plan for free public transit down Bank Street, a key north-south clogged artery, reducing the U-pass and low-income pass costs, and extending free seniors’ days.
- Asking the wealthiest in our communities to pay a little bit more (homes purchased at $3 million and higher) so the many can benefit. A voice on council speaking out against wasteful new road construction and expansions, which the evidence clearly shows do not work, and cost the city about $50 million a year.
- Focusing on affordable housing and ensuring that inclusionary zoning is a reality in Ottawa, so that if a developer wants to put up large new builds, we can mandate that 20 per cent of them are affordable.
- Pushing for a new voting system that makes all votes count, and ensuring cycling and pedestrian activity is not an afterthought, but viewed for what they are: huge money savers and essential to city building.
Shawn’s Experience:
- Public school board trustee for Capital Ward
- Senior staff person for Canada’s Big City Mayor’s Caucus and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities
- Past president of the Carleton University Alumni Association – National Capital Region
- Former vice chair of the City of Ottawa Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee
- Past president of the Centretown Citizen’s Community Association
- A federal public servant for five years
- To find out more about why change at City Hall is so important, visit
All Candidates’ Meeting
Capital Ward Councillor candidates
Thurs., Sept. 27, 7–9 p.m.
Glebe Community Centre, 175 Third at Lyon
Sponsored by
Heron Park Community Association,
Ottawa South Community Association,
Ottawa East Community Association,
Dow’s Lake Residents Association,
Glebe Annex Community Association
and Glebe Community Association