Changing the Queensway Bronson exit

Get ready for more construction and more delays at Bronson and the Queensway because of a redesign and rebuild of the highway exit and connecting streets.

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation has released a design and construction report outlining detailed plans for improving the eastbound exit. This report is open for a 30-day public review until November 27. The report is on the project website at, and comments can be made from the contact tab of the website.

The plan includes an extension of the Bronson Avenue eastbound off-ramp and a realignment of Chamberlain Avenue approximately 70 metres north so the two will connect, eliminating the existing jog that requires a left turn off Bronson onto Chamberlain. Construction may begin as early as next spring.

Project components
Lengthening the Bronson eastbound off-ramp by approximately 300 metres to prevent traffic from backing up onto the highway, and widening the Booth Street and Rochester Street Highway 417 overpass structures;

Changes to the eastbound off-ramp where it intersects with Bronson Avenue. The ramp intersection will consist of three lanes with a combined left-turn/through lane, a middle through lane and a dedicated right-turn lane at Bronson.

Realignment of Chamberlain Avenue to the north to align with the off-ramp;

Construction of retaining walls, roadside protection, utility relocations, noise barrier, illumination and traffic signals;

Coordination of construction with the Highway 417 Midtown Bridges Project, anticipated to begin in spring 2021.

Not affected are the closest Queensway on-ramps (westbound at Bronson and eastbound at Metcalfe).

Refinements based on comments
As a result of comments received to date and after additional coordination with the city, the following refinements were made to the original plan:

The realigned Chamberlain Avenue has been reduced from three lanes to two lanes from Bronson Avenue to Percy Street.

The intersection of Chamberlain Avenue and Imperial Avenue has been changed from a free-flow condition to a yield to meet the two-lane Chamberlain Avenue at a tighter radius and merge onto Chamberlain Avenue to proceed eastbound.

Design features to be added to the realigned Chamberlain Avenue include oversized speed signs, enhanced landscaping and new sidewalks. The sidewalks will be separated from the road by a one-metre-wide boulevard, and the north sidewalk and boulevard will continue to the Percy Street intersection. These design features are intended to reinforce a more residential character along the arterial road.

A new sidewalk will be configured on the south side of the Chamberlain Avenue/Imperial Avenue intersection. It will tie into the existing sidewalk and will be offset from Chamberlain Avenue.

Approximately five trees with a diameter at breast height of 10 cm or more will be removed, and 1,742 square metres of vegetation will be cleared as part of construction. The Glebe Community Association is to be notified in advance of the start of construction regarding the removal of existing plantings along the north side of Chamberlain Avenue.

Changes to the Queensway Bronson eastbound off-ramp are outlined in a Ministry of Transportation Design and Construction Report now open for a 30-day public review until November 27. The report is at
Source: MOT

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