Cleaning the Capital

Be part of the City of Ottawa event in the Glebe!
Saturday May 15 at 11 a.m.
By Zoe Sutherland
Please join volunteers from the Glebe Parks Committee in giving our parks a spring clean!
Starting at 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 15, we need your help to find and remove litter such as cigarette butts, glass, paper, wrappers, bottles and cans. Leaves must be removed from along fence lines, around play-structures and landscaped areas, but those in open areas can stay.
What to bring: A mask, gardening gloves, small disposable bags, a plastic container for collecting broken glass or other sharp items.
Each Parks Committee lead volunteer will provide black sacks for the collation of smaller bags and larger items, leaf bags for compostable items such as leaves, twigs and broken branches and a blue-bin-style receptacle for recyclable items.
Cleanups will take place rain or shine. However, if the rain is heavy, all Glebe park cleanups will take place instead the next day, on Sunday, May 16 with COVID-19 rules in mind, please adhere to all provincial guidelines in place at the time of the parks clean-up. We thank you in advance for your contribution.
The Glebe Parks Committee is part of the Glebe Community Association. It aims to facilitate community consultation with the City of Ottawa. Meetings are held monthly to discuss the creation, preservation, maintenance and oversight of our neighbourhood green spaces. Please visit for further information.
Zoe Sutherland is a member of the Glebe Parks Committee.