Craft ideas for kids at home

Get your kids’ creative juices flowing at home with these fun projects!   Photos: photo credit requested

By Karen Cameron

Maybe you are taking time off to stay home with the kids during spring break, or perhaps it’s your turn to entertain the kids on a PD day. You know what that means? You have to keep them busy! Whether spring break, days off or summer holidays, the Good Morning Creative Arts Preschool (GMCAP) has you covered. Here are a few crafting ideas that are sure to please everyone – all you need are basic household items and art supplies. And read on for news about GMCAP’s summer camp programming.

Unpoppable Bubbles

  • Have you ever wanted to catch a bubble on your hand, but it pops the moment you touch it? This recipe produces the unpoppable bubble!
  • You will need:
  • 4 tbsp of water
  • 1 tbsp of concentrated dish soap
  • 2 tbsp of granulated sugar
  • In a small dish or bowl, pour the water and soap. Mix together before adding in the sugar.
  • Mix the sugar until it is completely dissolved.
  • Put gloves or socks on your hands.
  • Using a straw or bubble wand, carefully blow a bubble and try to catch it!

Egg Carton Flowers

  • Decorate your house for spring by making your own flowers. This can be made from reused and recycled items.
  • You will need:
  • Egg cartons
  • Bottle cap, buttons or cotton balls for the centre
  • Stick, straw or popsicle stick for the stem

Cut the egg cartons into individual cups. Personalize them with paint, stickers, etc. Place a straw or other “stem” through a button or the centre of your flower and voila, egg carton flowers!

Moon Sand (aka Kinetic sand)

  • You will need:
  • 4 cups flour
  • ½ cup oil (either Canola or vegetable)
  • Food colouring (optional)
  • Mix together the flour and oil until combined. If using food colouring or dye, add it to the oil and stir before mixing with flour. It should hold together enough to form soft balls and other shapes. Add more oil if not sticking together.
  • Create different sculptures with your moon sand!

We are excited to announce that we are able to offer a summer camp program for July and August. We will be running themed activities each week to develop an understanding of the world around us. Among the topics: Landscapes, an art-focused week about different landscapes; Fairy Tales, a week of timeless tales experienced through art, drama, music and movement; How Things Work, a week of exploring electricity, engineering and nature; and Our Planet, Our Community and Being Green, examining how to be kind to the planet through art projects, gardening and helping the community. We are offering eight weeks of fun and adventure.

We have restarted Storyscapes, a program offered two afternoons a week to explore a story through art. This is a favourite among our children and teachers alike. The GMCAPs also offers virtual art classes for the young and young at heart.

For information on all these programs, including summer camp, visit our website at or contact us at

If it’s a preschool program you are interested in, we are currently operating our three mornings a week program. Additionally, we are now accepting registration for the fall in all of our programs: toddler and preschool programs and our after-school creative arts program. For more information or to register, contact

As an arts-based program, we provide children with a unique creative and positive learning environment while acquiring new skills.  Give us a call for more information 613-276-7974.

Happy crafting!

Karen Cameron is the director of Good Morning Creative Arts and Preschool.

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