Creating within our bubble!

By Karen Cameron
Spring is coming along nicely in the Glebe. Amid school closures, lockdowns and restrictions, many are taking advantage of the time by finding ways to enjoy the outdoors while staying within a bubble. At Good Morning Creative Arts and Pre-school (GMCAP), we are doing the same. The children have been busy creating bubbles of their own. In this edition of crafty fun, we offer a few more ideas and experiences you can have at home with items you likely have on hand. These were a hit with our little artists, and I think your little ones might like them as well.

Bubble Prints
This craft produces unique designs and interesting printed paper to admire or use to make cards and other crafts.
- What you need:
- 1 tbsp dish soap
- 1 cup of water
- dash of colour like tempera paint
or food colouring - shallow dish like a pie plate
- cookie cutters, shapes
- card stock, paper
In the shallow dish, mix soap, water and colour. Dip shapes into bubble mixture and make a “print” on the paper. Colour can be adjusted to make custom shades. Let paper dry and voila, unique art ready to enjoy. Experiment with shapes and colour combinations. Pre-cutting paper into desired shapes allows artwork to be used in card making or other art.

Writable Sheets
With school closures and shopping restrictions, getting supplies to facilitate learning can be a challenge. Whether for art or for learning a new skill like cursive or block writing, writable and reusable sheets may be what is needed.
What you need:
- sheet protector and a learning tool
- dry erase markers
Slip the learning tool into the sheet protector and begin using.
Animal Obstacle Course
Another fun family-friendly outdoor activity is creating an obstacle course.
What you need: animal toys or coloured pictures of a cow, pig, sheep, dinosaur, bird, etc.
Place different animals at different points in the house or in the backyard. As you move to each one, you have to walk like that animal and make the noise that they make. Make it a race or time it to see who can go the fastest!
Activities that involve crafts and the outdoors help with experiential learning. If you have not yet secured a summer experience for your children, have a look at GMCAP programming options. This summer we are offering a range of weekly themed offerings from “Our Planet, Our Community” to “Fairy Tales” to “Shark Week” to “Art Around the World.” There is something for everyone. For more information, visit, drop us a line at or give us a call 613-276-7974.
Happy crafting!
Karen Cameron is the director of Good Morning Creative Arts and Preschool.