Discounts in the Glebe
Everyone loves a bargain. The nice thing about being a student or a senior is that in addition to regular sales and promotions, many businesses offer discounts to these two groups. Why not take advantage?
This article provides a quick overview of what discounts are available to seniors and students. It looks only at businesses in the Glebe. Some of these businesses are, of course, part of big chains – so the same discounts may be found at other locations. And there are many discounts available to a broader audience than the Glebe. OC Transpo, VIA Rail, various car rental companies, airlines, Ottawa museums and many banks all offer bargains for students and seniors. The City of Ottawa also provides discounts when registering for some city programs.
This is not meant to be an exhaustive list. If you are out shopping and wonder if a discount is available but do not see anything posted, it is always a good policy to ask in the store. And remember that the age for “senior” can vary from 55 to 65!
Discounts listed were verified with the businesses either in person or by email. However, discount policies change from time to time, so it’s best to check.
Marie Briscoe is a long-time Glebe resident and graduate of Carleton University. She is retired from the public service.
If you know of other discounts offered by businesses in the Glebe, send a note to