Fall back into Abbotsford Seniors Centre


Instructor Isabel Gonzalez, smiling in the middle, with her Conversational Spanish students, also smiling! The Abbotsford fall guide is available online at glebecentre.ca or pick up a paper copy at the centre, 950 Bank Street. Photo: Pat Goyeche

By Pat Goyeche

The evenings are starting to cool, and we remember feelings of “back to school.” Fall always seems like a fresh start full of new beginnings. You might want to get yourself a new pencil case or perhaps a new set of watercolours, weights, yoga mat or deck of cards!

Finding your artistic, intellectual and social side are all possible at Abbotsford this fall.

Our ever-popular fitness classes, favourite instructors and well-loved arts courses are returning to Abbotsford alongside new programming such as Beginner Tai Chi, Beginner Bridge, Learn to Jam, Beginner Piano, Highland and Scottish Dancing, Beginner Spanish and Beginner Pottery.

Lunches are available to members on a first-come, first-served basis on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can get a sandwich, soup, salad, fruit, dessert and coffee or tea for $10.

Abbotsford has a Trishaw, a three-wheeled, electric passenger bike, to take older adults on rides on the pathway near the Rideau Canal. Thanks to a New Horizons for Seniors grant, we are equipped to have volunteers pilot the passenger bike so members and clients can view the fall colours. Many have enjoyed the Trishaw experience so far, and we will continue to offer rides until the snow flies.

Our Community Support Services staff continue to help older adults and caregivers in surrounding neighbourhoods navigate challenges to remain at home safely. Call or email us if you have any questions about drives to medical appointments, dementia day programs, Luncheon Club for those who need extra support to socialize, friendly visiting or service arrangements to connect to businesses and home supports.

The fall guide is available online at glebcentre.ca; see Abbotsford Seniors Centre and drop-down menu to Current Program Guide. Check out the full complement of programs for adults 55+ online or pick up a paper copy at the centre.

New beginnings have never been easier than it will be this fall, so join in and participate in all that they have on offer that interest you. Meet new friends and old friends alike and “loiter with us” at your leisure.

Memberships are currently half price and are valid until December for new members trying Abbotsford for the first time. All members and friends of Abbotsford receive emails outlining upcoming events and interesting programs. Be sure to open those emails as we promote special events to all the members. Watch for free coffee time and bingo games with prizes, new this fall.

Abbotsford is dedicated to forging new partnerships in our community and implementing new programming through grants and fundraising. We continue to work with our governments, business partners and sector networks that help keep our centre viable and sustainable and keep our 55+ population active and engaged.

Fundraising is a necessary aspect of our charitable organization. We rely on memberships, sponsorships, donations, fees and engagement with the greater Ottawa community to keep Abbotsford thriving. It is key to ensuring our programs are interesting, affordable and meet the needs of our members and clients.

This year’s major fund-raising gala, Mystic Carnivale, will be held on Thursday, October 12 in the Horticulture Building at Lansdowne. Be prepared to be dazzled by performers, beguiled by delicious cuisine, delighted by games, prizes, or take a turn around the dance floor. Check our website for current gala sponsors, the businesses that get behind Abbotsford Seniors Centre and all we do to support older adults.

Abbotsford Seniors Centre is your community support centre for adults 55+.  We are the community programs and services of The Glebe Centre Inc., a charitable, not-for-profit, organization which includes a 254-bed long term care home. Find out more about our services by dropping by 950 Bank Street (the old stone house) Mon.- Fri. 9 a.m.-4 p..m, telephoning 613-230-5730 or by checking out all The Glebe Centre facilities and community programs on our website www.glebecentre.ca.

Pat Goyeche is coordinator of community programs at Abbotsford.

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