Fall registration opens for Glebe Cooperative Nursery School

One of central Ottawa’s longest running preschools, the Glebe Cooperative Nursery School (GCNS) is the perfect place for your preschool child to blossom. GCNS is a non-profit licensed childcare centre in which parents can take an active role in creating an exceptional learning environment for their child.
GCNS is located in the fully accessible Glebe Community Centre in the heart of our community. The children learn and play in our bright and spacious classroom. The classroom is organized into carefully planned learning centres. These learning centres allow the children to choose their own activities and to work and play independently or in small groups at their own pace and ability level. Learning centres include special areas for reading, science and discovery, dramatic, cognitive toys, blocks, sensory exploration and art. The classes also have regular access to the main hall in the community centre.
GCNS is one of the only nursery schools in the city that takes the children outside to play year round. Our fully fenced yard is equipped with a variety of materials to provide opportunities for gross motor and social experiences. We have exclusive use of this yard when we have outside playtime.
The goal of our program is to provide a positive learning experience, a social experience, and to encourage the development of the whole child. We want to lay the foundation for a lifelong love of learning. We want the children to view school as a positive place. We want them to learn to love finding out new things, to learn how to make friends and to learn that adults other than their parents can be fun, caring and trustworthy. Children are considered competent, capable of complex thinking, curious and rich in potential.
The Glebe Cooperative Nursery School began in September 1977 as a parent-child playgroup. Over the years, the playgroup evolved into a preschool staffed by highly experienced, professional early childhood educators.
There are two programs offered from September to June.
The Toddler Program, for children ages 1.5 to 2.5 years, takes place on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Here, children eager to play will enjoy the learning activities in their first entry into early education. Wonderful, loving teachers, a bright cheery environment, and lots of learning opportunities provide a happy start to learning and socializing.
The Preschool Program for children ages 2.5 to 4.5 years takes place on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Through independent engagement in stimulating activities, and directed learning time with educators in small groups, preschool children develop the social, physical, intellectual and creative skills that form the foundation for success in their ongoing education. The morning program is an excellent way of preparing for junior kindergarten.
The Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group also offers a supervised Lunch Club program within the community centre from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., as well as a variety of supervised afternoon preschool programming from 1 to 2:30 p.m. to extend your child’s day.
Visit glebepreschool.com for more information and to register your child.
Julie LeBlanc is a Glebe Coop Nursery School parent and is responsible for communications.