Feeling a loss of control?


Lately I’ve been feeling like some parts of our collective life are spinning out of control – or maybe they never were within our control, and lately it’s become obvious.

For example, whatever is happening with the Queensway? There must be a way to find out – an obscure, impenetrable, confused and unhelpful way, but nevertheless it must exist.

When will the Bronson east off-ramp open? When will the Bronson west on-ramp open? When will the Percy Street underpass be open to cars? Will the Percy Street underpass suddenly be closed as well to walkers and bikers, as happened a couple of weeks ago? Will the Percy Street underpass be clear of debris, or will I and my bike need to screech to a halt and weave around piles of dirt, construction gear, wires and other hazards in the dark, as was also the case a couple of weeks ago? It’s all in the hands of a Ministry of Transport (MOT) headquartered in Toronto, 350 kilometres away – and it seems a universe away in “caring.”

Then there’s the Queen Elizabeth Driveway. It seems there are no lights and haven’t been lights for some time now, while the NCC and the City “discuss” who is responsible. There is talk of temporary lighting but no actual movement in that direction. This discussion happening with little or no reference to the people who live there.

And will the Queen Elizabeth Driveway be closed to traffic permanently? It’s an idea that’s been floated, but again, decision-making seems to be entirely with the NCC, a federal body with a checkered history of listening to the people who live in this city.

Then we hear of a possible 90-week (that’s almost two years) detour being planned for the Queen Elizabeth Driveway and Colonel By Drive around the Queensway bridge replacements over the Canal (see elsewhere in this issue). That’s back to a decision of the MOT! Once again, not in our control.

I don’t know about you, but if I can’t have control, I’d love at least a bit of information. Or better yet, a free flow of fulsome information!

–Liz McKeen

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