For the love of fibres and textiles

photo: “Once in a Blue Moon,” 16 x 16 inches, beads individually sewn on fabric background, created by fibre artist Sharon Johnson

Photo: Sharon Johnson

By Sharon Johnson


Do you love fibres and textiles – wool, cotton, silk, felt, fabric? Are you intrigued by fibre and textile artworks? Then you won’t want to miss Spring Fibre Fling.

Out of the Box Fibre Artists are hosting their ever-popular Fibre Spring Fling on Friday, May 3, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday, May 4, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., just in time to find that perfect Mother’s Day gift! We’re holding it a bit later than usual, hoping for better weather.

You’ll meet machine and hand embroiderers, art quilters, weavers, felters, doll makers, embellishers, silk painters, beaders, dyers, book artists, mixed media and other fibre artists. (Whew! That’s a lot!)

As well, various demos each day will feature different fibre art techniques. These demos help visitors to better understand the methods, processes and skills involved. And because reaching out to touch fibres and fabrics is deeply instinctive, the demos will provide some chances to satisfy those haptic senses.

The two-day art show and sale takes place at the Kitchissippi United Church, 630 Island Park Drive. Artists from Ottawa and area will exhibit their artworks and sell their wares, including cards, embroidery paintings, wall hangings, purses, silk scarves and much more. Prices are modest, considering the quality and originality of these lovely handmade goods.

The $5 admission price goes directly to the Ottawa Food Bank and the Stephen Lewis Foundation.

This is the 14th year for the event. It just keeps growing and getting better every year. We get many repeat customers – and they bring their friends! This grassroots support is one way that helps us get the word out!

And what’s the difference between “fibre arts” and “textile arts,” you ask? Come to the show and find out!


Sharon Johnson is a Glebe fibre artist and a 20-year member of Out of the Box.


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Spring Fibre Fling

May 3 (10 a.m. – 5 p.m.) and May 4 (10 a.m. – 4 p.m.)

Kitchissippi United Church

630 Island Park Drive

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