Glebe Coop Nursery School lives autumn

By Julie LeBlanc
After a long and very hot summer, the fall finds us settling into routines and offers new opportunities for learning, exploration, adventure and reflection. Children begin to notice the feel of cooler air on their skin, the sight of beautiful and changing fall colours and the sound of leaves crunching under their feet.
At the Glebe Cooperative Nursery School, teachers create environments and experiences to engage children in meaningful exploration. The daily schedule reflects the need for both indoor and outdoor play. A consistent and predictable daily routine allows children to feel comfortable and secure in knowing what to expect when they come to school.
Changing seasons is a good time to reflect and check in on our wellbeing. At GCNS, teachers allow children the opportunity to take risks, experience success at challenges, develop a sense of self and learn the self-help skills that will grow their confidence. Programming is created based on the children’s interests and provides a wide variety of social, creative, emotional, intellectual and physical activities to promote language, self-expression, imagination, creativity and problem solving.
Looking for ways to experience fall with children?
- Take in the vibrant colours on a nature walk
- Unleash creativity with fall leaf art projects
- Go apple picking at a local orchard
- Curl up with warm drinks and favourite books
- Get busy raking and jump in the leaves!
Julie LeBlanc is a Glebe Coop Nursery School parent and is responsible for communications.