Glebe Coop Nursery School looks forward to a new school year

By Julie Leblanc

We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! We’ve certainly been enjoying our time with our families and have been keeping busy with many fun activities.

As we look ahead to September we look forward to welcoming back returning families to Glebe Coop Nursery School as well as meeting new families. As we welcome the children into our program, it is a time to learn about each other, to lay the foundation for a long-lasting relationship, to build trust and instil a love of learning. We do this by being a partner in play, reading stories, singing songs, holding hands, talking, asking and answering their questions, and being available for them when they need a reassuring hug or high five.

For the children who are new to the program it’s an experience filled with new expectations, new adults, new friends, all in a new environment, and we’re here to support and guide them in this incredible journey.

We will be back in the classroom at the end of August getting ready for the beginning of a new school year and we look forward to seeing the wide-eyed excitement on the faces of the little ones when they join us in September!

The Glebe Cooperative Nursery School teaching team is Helen, Kim, Melanie and Heidi. Julie Leblanc is responsible for GCNS communication.

Photos: Courtesy of GMCAPs

After school program: GMCAPs turns up the fun for September!

By Karen Cameron

From the Director’s Desk

August, what? I can’t believe summer is over. It feels like it just started. We have had another exhilarating season of campers exploring how things work, fine arts, sharks, fairytales and so much more. Our summer camp program at Good Morning Creative Arts and Preschool (GMCAPs) delivered on engaging themed weeks enjoyed by all! Thank you to our families, our new little friends and our educators. The memories are sure to last a lifetime. Check out our Facebook page at for just a few memorable moments.

Now we look forward to welcoming our returning families and new friends for our year-long creative arts programs – preschool program and after school program. Wishing everyone a smooth transition back to school.

After School Program

We are expanding our Creative Arts after school program to five days per week for school-aged children in JK to Grade 6. With a free pickup offered from Glebe area schools, children explore the works of famous artists and elements of art, while exploring the use of various tools and materials. These one-of-a-kind creations are showcased during our Annual Vernissage in the spring – a very popular event. Our fees for this unique program are comparable to regular after school programs. What sets this program apart is the focus on the arts and hands-on experience all provided in a caring and nurturing environment.

When: Monday through Friday from when school ends to 5:30 p.m.

Pickups: We offer after school pickup from First Avenue, Mutchmor, Corpus Cristi and Glebe Montessori

Size: Maximum of 15 students with two teachers

Snack: Provided
Cost (2021-22):
$95/month for one day/week
$180/month for two days/week$265/month for three days/week
$350/month for four days/week
$425/month for five days/week
Drop-in option: Children can also attend on a drop-in basis for $25/day
Spots are available. Visit for registration information or contact us directly at
Good Morning Preschool and Creative Arts Program is located at 174 First Avenue, and can be reached at 613-276-7974 and

Karen Cameron is the director of Good Morning Creative Arts and Preschool.

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