Glebe Cooperative Nursery School registration opens for 2021-22
By Emilee Harvey
Glebe Cooperative Nursery School (GCNS) is pleased to announce that our general registration for the 2021- 22 school year opened on April 1 for both toddlers and preschoolers. Interested families can apply at and also take a tour of the classroom.
The GCNS’s philosophy and programming is based on the document “How Does Learning Happen?” This resource is a key component of the Ministry of Education’s vision for the early years. The program is centred on the child and the family. The four foundations – belonging, well-being, engagement and expression – must be present in order for children to grow and flourish. Belonging refers to the relationships that a child develops with other children, their families, educators and the world around them. Well-being refers to the important aspects of their physical and mental health and wellness. Engagement is when a child is involved, focused and able to explore the world around them. Expression or communication incorporates both the ability to be heard and to listen – this may be in the form of artistic expression.
The goal of our program is to provide positive learning and social experiences and to encourage the development of the whole child. We want to lay the foundation for a lifelong love of learning. We want the children to view school as a positive place. We want them to learn to love finding out new things, to learn how to make friends and to learn that adults (other than their parents) can be fun, caring and trusting. Children are considered competent, capable of complex thinking, curious and rich in potential.
The Glebe Cooperative Nursery School began in September 1977 as a parent-child playgroup. Over the years, the playgroup evolved into a preschool staffed by professional early childhood educators. The school was incorporated in 1982, necessitating the development of bylaws and operating policies to govern its organization and management. First licensed under the Day Nurseries Act in 1988, the school is reviewed annually by the Ministry of Education to ensure that all standards are maintained.
A co operative nursery school is a non-profit organization made up of volunteer parents who manage and participate in a school for their children. Through ongoing participation, parents have the opportunity to share in their child’s first school experience. The school is incorporated under the Cooperative Corporations Act and is governed by its own bylaws. A board of directors, made up of volunteers elected each year, manages the school. Teachers report to the board.
Members of the cooperative are entitled to vote for board members and to receive and approve the minutes of general meetings and the annual financial report. Each family has one vote on issues brought forward at special or general meetings. Members are obliged to abide by the bylaws and policies of the school – this includes paying all fees, doing duty days, keeping children at home when ill with a in general meetings, volunteering for fundraising events and performing at least one volunteer job per year. The success of the school depends on the active and ongoing participation of all of our members.
The school is located in the fully accessible Glebe Community Centre. Children learn about and explore their world in our bright and spacious classroom. They have access to the main hall in the community centre, and we are the only nursery school in the city where children go outside to play all year round. Our fully fenced yard is equipped with a variety of materials to provide opportunities for gross motor and social experiences. We have exclusive use of this yard during outside playtime.
Emilee Harvey is vice president of the GCNS school board and a parent of a child in the preschool program.