Glebe Memorial Rink welcomes GNAG

22 Coyle, Dudleigh Glendale Rink Jan 2016 011
Henry C. playing hockey on the Glendale Memorial Rink last year
Photo: Eric Chernoff

By Dudleigh Coyle

tike_hockey2It took a while but winter is here and staying. Our rink is up and doing very nicely. We are the Glebe Memorial Rink at 75 Glendale and we have been the outdoor rink of choice in the Glebe for over 60 years. With no boards, it is the perfect place to play shinny or even learn how to skate.

This year we are pleased to welcome GNAG and their winter program to Glebe Memorial. We have increased our rink surface to accommodate their needs and their presence enhances our presence. All good!

Glebe Memorial Rink is open from 4 to 9:30 p.m. during the week and noon to 8 p.m. on the weekends. Our supervisors, who are a combination of volunteer dads and moms, and paid students, are present when our shack is open. We are part of the City of Ottawa Parks and Recreation Outdoor Rinks initiative. The City supplies and maintains the cozy shack and it also provides access to a water source so that the experienced Glebe Rink Rats can provide a great skating surface.

The highlight of our 2016 skating season will be the annual rink party to be held on Saturday, February 6 in the afternoon. It will feature games, races and complimentary food. And Mother Nature usually helps out with great winter weather.

For interested parents who have some energy to volunteer, we are always looking for those with young families and who use the rink. Currently we have 18 volunteers, but another two would be good. What you sign up for is to be in charge of the rink once a month during the season from 7 to 9:30 p.m. and then leave the surface cleanly shovelled so that our experienced flooders can do their magic around 10 p.m.

If you are interested and would like to investigate further, please check our website at And yes, it is new this year.

The skating season comes and goes quickly and we try to keep Glebe Memorial open as long as Mother Nature will let us.

Dudleigh Coyle is a member of the Glebe Rink Rats, a grandfather, a poet and a longtime supporter of the Glebe Report.

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