Glebe Report and OSCAR
newspaper boxes – artists wanted
The Glebe Report and OSCAR community newspapers are going to purchase six newspaper boxes to be located on Bank Street in the Glebe and Old Ottawa South so that both papers can be provided for the taking. Local artists will be commissioned to decorate the boxes. We welcome submissions from all artists, including Old Ottawa South and Glebe students in high school or university.
Each box is made of metal with a window on the front. The boxes are approximately 75 cm high, 45 cm wide and 35 cm deep. The logos of the Glebe Report and OSCAR need to feature prominently on the front (below the window), sides and top of the boxes. A graphic file of the logos will be provided to the successful candidates.
The newspapers expect to see designs that reflect the life and spirit of the two communities. Designs must not contain advertisements or promotion for any business, product or viewpoint other than for the Glebe Report and OSCAR. Designs may not include any breach of intellectual property, trademarks or brands and cannot portray images of illegal activity. Designs depicting or suggesting racism, sexism or discrimination based on religious, sexual or gender grounds will not be accepted.
An honorarium of $200 a box will be given upon completion of the project.
As the boxes will be located outside and are subject to inclement weather, the murals must utilize oil-based paint suitable for adhering to metal.
To be eligible for consideration, a submission is required. Submissions are maximum two pages and must include a short personal statement, samples of the artist’s previous work and a design concept sketch. Proposals should be submitted to or by April 15, 2020. All submissions will be acknowledged. Winning artists will be selected by May 1 and murals are expected to be completed by May 31.