Help identify priority heritage buildings in Glebe-Dow’s Lake

Review of City’s Heritage Register


By William Price


In response to the Ontario government’s recent approval of Bill 23 (More Homes Built Faster Act), the City of Ottawa is implementing its approved strategy to deal with the bill’s heritage implications.

The first phase is to identify properties on the Heritage Register that should be studied on a priority basis for possible individual heritage designation. A new city survey is now live and open until March 15 ( This survey invites residents, community associations and heritage organizations to identify undesignated buildings on the Heritage Register that they think should be studied first for possible heritage designation, and to provide any information or research they may have to inform such a study.

The Glebe Community Association (GCA) Heritage Committee is working with city heritage staff on this current initiative, and as well on the longer-term identification of new potential Heritage Conservation Districts in the Glebe-Dow’s Lake neighbourhoods. We would be interested in receiving a copy of your recommended list of properties or groups of properties to be studied for possible heritage designation. You can send this information to the GCA Heritage Committee at or to me at and we will also answer any questions you may have on this matter.

Please also let us know if you have any information or photos relating to the history of your own home and its occupants over the years that would better inform our ongoing heritage designation, celebration and education initiatives. Let us know if you are interested in learning how to research the history of your home or if you would like to explore joining our committee to help with our work. All that is needed is an appreciation of the wonderful built heritage streetscapes and landscapes of the Glebe and Dow’s Lake neighbourhoods.


Bill Price is chair of the Glebe Community Association’s Heritage Committee. He can be reached at or

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