Lansdowne News

Meeting at Holmwood and Bank

This corner, a favourite public space for meeting, reflectiong, resting and exercising, began it’s radical change as of June 2012. Starting with the clearcutting of trees in the former Sylvia Holden Park. The pictures above highlight moments in that transformation ending with  two of many aerial views taken from the 12th floor of Lord Lansdowne.
This corner, a favourite public space for meeting, reflectiong, resting and exercising, began it’s radical change as of June 2012. Starting with the clearcutting of trees in the former Sylvia Holden Park. The pictures above highlight moments in that transformation ending with two of many aerial views taken from the 12th floor of Lord Lansdowne.

The new Lansdowne Park is fast becoming a reality and this summer will see many Lansdowne firsts. According to Bernie Ashe, CEO of the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG) they is spearheading the transformation of Lansdowne, it is a “complex construction project with many phases.” He has confirmed that OSEG and the Glebe Community Association have discussed the possibility of a summer open house for the Glebe, Old Ottawa South and Old Ottawa East neighbourhoods, but any details must await the June 17 public meeting.

In addition, OSEG plans to invite Redblacks season ticketholders to Lansdowne on July 9 as a test run for game-day logistics. As noted below and on page 14, the GCA Traffic Committee will hold an information meeting on June 17 at the Glebe Communty Centre on game-day traffic and parking preparations. On July 18, CFL labour/management negotiations permitting, the Redblacks will hold their first home football game at Lansdowne’s TD Place. On July 20, the Ottawa Fury FC will hold its first Lansdowne soccer game. And plans are afoot for an official park opening, with a tribute to Lansdowne’s storied history, on August 16.

Get ready for football … and traffic

by Brian Mitchell

Glebe residents are encouraged to turn out for an information meeting at the Glebe Community Centre on Tuesday, June 17 from 7 to 9 p.m. when representatives from the City of Ottawa, the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG) and the Glebe Community Association will provide details on:

  • traffic management plans associated with this summer’s sporting events;
  • the work to date of the Lansdowne Transportation Operations Monitoring Committee;
  • information on the shuttle routes for satellite parking;
  • special OC Transpo services that will be running on Bank Street;
  • site plans for getting 25,000 people into and out of Lansdowne quickly and safely.

There will also be information on hand about bylaw enforcement and what area residents should do if
problems arise, or if they have a suggestion on how the traffic management plan for sporting events at
Lansdowne could be improved. The information will also be posted afterwards on the GCA website ( A similar information session is planned for the fall when the retail operations at Lansdowne are scheduled to open.

Brian Mitchell is chair of the GCA Traffic Committee.


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