Letters to the editor March 2024

Council still a squabbling squad

Editor, Glebe Report

It sadly appears that the collegiality promised by the mayor, when running for office, was an empty promise.

In openly attacking Councillor Shawn Menard (responding to a developer’s donation to his ward), it turns out that both Councillor Tim Tierney and Mayor Sutcliffe (ex-officio) sit on the Planning Committee that discussed and passed the agreement between Councillor Menard and the developer, Group Katasa. Yet they apparently waited to openly criticize – indeed attack –Menard in the full council meeting. The mayor did nothing to stop it. Hmmm – perhaps there is a larger audience in the council meeting, including the press, to voice their concerns? Points scored?

Who benefits? Certainly not the citizens. Nor the council or mayor, who yet again appear reduced to a squabbling squad, with the referee mayor choosing not to intervene.

We had so hoped to move beyond the acrimony in city council, so evident under Mayor Watson. A “new era of collaboration” is badly needed, but apparently not this time.

It does not bode well for Ottawa over the next few years.

Bessa Whitmore


Vac Shack earns kudos

Editor, Glebe Report

Re: Vac Shack marks 50 years in business, Glebe Report, February 2024

It was wonderful to read the 50-year history of this small business! Even as a resident of Kanata until two years ago, the word-of-mouth referrals from friends and the great website reviews had me driving to this business for great service! In which I was not disappointed!

John even takes the time to educate his customers on how to prevent visits to his shop for repairs!

Here’s to 50 more years!

Lynn Johnston


Editor, Glebe Report

In 2023, I got my vacuum cleaner repaired at Vac Shack. John was upfront and so friendly. These days it is rare to make a customer welcome, and he has a gift to do just that.

But the best part was when I went to pick up my vacuum cleaner and asked John to call a taxi for me, he offered to drive me home.

John, please do not change, you are a gift and these days it is very, very rare.

Anant Nagpur


Never on a Sunday?

Editor, Glebe Report

Re: “Restaurateur blasts City for $100 parking tickets,” Glebe Report, February 2024.

It seems that City parking enforcement guys have the Glebe in their sights. I agree with Caren von Merveldt about ridiculous law enforcement practices of late.

A visitor to me on Second Avenue was hit with a parking ticket at 6.30 p.m. on Sunday, February 11, even though at 7 p.m. it was free to park. This was Superbowl Sunday when many were visiting friends and family to watch the game.

I was not aware that the two-hour restriction on parking applied on Sundays and have not heard of a ticket issued on Sunday in the 45 years I have lived in the Glebe. When I called the City about this, I was told that the parking bylaw was not usually enforced on Sundays but that it applied, and probably an inexperienced or overzealous attendant did it. He suggested that I had a reasonable case to go to court to fight it, but the ticket was valid. Going to court was not an option for my friend, but I pass this on in case others have had a similar experience.

“Never on a Sunday” doesn’t apply to getting parking tickets anymore!

Rafal Pomian



A Kindness appreciated

Editor, Glebe Report

I would like to thank the kind person who came to my aid when I fell on the ice and broke my wrist on January 11 near Monkland Avenue. They helped me get to my feet, accompanied me back to my home, and waited until I was safely inside. They showed such kindness at a time when I was shocked and unsure of my injury. I am very happy to live in a neighbourhood knowing there are kind people like this nearby.

Thank you, Nick from Strathcona Avenue.

Margaret Harvey-O’Kelly




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