Ottawa Catholic School Board news

Luka Luketic-Buyer
Zone 9 School Trustee
Ottawa Catholic School Board




Introducing the new Zone 9 Trustee

I would like to introduce myself as the new Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB) trustee for Zone 9.

My name is Luka Luketic-Buyers. I immigrated to Canada in 2017 with my wife and three children from Zagreb, Croatia. For any new immigrant to Canada arriving with young children, one of the first and most pressing issues is to find a good school where your children can get quickly integrated into the community and obtain the best possible education.

It was very important to me that my children attend a school that fosters excellence in academics and also strives to instill the good values of being a responsible citizen. My wife and I have been very fortunate that both the OCSB schools our children attended have been excellent in providing a wide array of academic opportunities as well as fostering an open and inviting atmosphere. This has been especially important for us as our youngest daughter is a special needs child who requires special attention and extra support at school.

After settling down somewhat, I felt obliged to contribute and give back to the country and community that had become our new home. That is why I decided to try and become a school board trustee. I am very happy that I managed to ultimately gain the support required to become trustee and hope to continue developing and improving the educational experience for all children.

I invite you to reach out to me with any concerns or suggestions for improvement regarding our Zone 9 schools, which I will be more than happy to advocate for. Email:

To conclude, I wish all our children and parents an excellent school year!

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