Plastic bags: Don’t toss – recycle!

The blue bin under the stairs by the exit door at McKeen Metro is dedicated to recycling plastic bags. Bring yours from home!
Photo: Liz McKeen

by Jennifer Humphries

Before you discard your used plastic packaging, take a look at the guide below to see if it’s one of the items that McKeen Metro Glebe will send for commercial recycling. If so, put it aside to deposit it at Metro’s blue bin on your next Bank Street expedition. Taking this one seemingly small step can save a whole lot of plastic waste going to landfill, one household at a time. The blue bin is at the front of the store, under the stairs near the exit doors.

Thanks to McKeen Metro Glebe for this great community service.

Additional recycling information can be found at

Interested in joining the Plastics Task Force of the Glebe Community Association’s Environment Committee? Please email us at

Jennifer Humphries is co-chair of the Glebe Community Association’s Environment Committee. You can contact her at


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