Public consultation report card

When government decision-makers stop listening to the public, our communities suffer.
By John Dance
As a general rule, it appears that where there has been substantial public consultation, an initiative’s outcome has, from the standpoint of most residents and community associations, been much better than where consultation has been limited or after the fact, or where responses have been ignored.
While perhaps this should be obvious, somehow and sometimes governments and private developers elect to proceed with limited public consultation and little willingness to change direction.
In this discussion, the “Gunning Principles” are used to assess the quality of public consultation. Coined by lawyer Stephen Sedley in a UK court case, these principles state that public consultation is legitimate only when:
- Proposals are still at a formative stage (when the decision has not already been taken and the so-called public consultation is simply an opportunity for the proponent to say they shared information and sought input);
- There is sufficient information to give “intelligent consideration.” The information provided must relate to the consultation and must be available, accessible, and easily interpretable for consultees to provide an informed response;
- There is adequate time for those consulted to consider and respond; and
- “Conscientious consideration” must be given to the consultation responses before a decision is made.
In addition to these principles, successful community consultation depends on a variety of other factors including the capacity of those consulted to assess and respond; the context for the consultation; and the inclusiveness of who is able to participate.
So, how have the most recent local public consultation exercises rated? Here is our consultation report card.
Lansdowne Park
Some consultation on the Lansdowne 2.0 initiative is now underway, but the proposals are most definitely not at a “formative stage.” Last year, City Council approved in principle what would be done to make Lansdowne Park “sustainable,” given that the financial performance of the 2012-2014 renovations have not achieved the forecast financial results.
Citizens were not asked in advance about the desirability of demolishing the northside stands and the arena and then building new stands and a new “entertainment centre” on what is now mostly green space. Nor were they consulted on the plan to pay for at least $332 million of construction by diverting tax dollars, selling off air rights for three high-rise towers, and, optimistically, predicting that 60,000 square feet of new commercial space will generate significant profits.
Has “sufficient information” been provided? Clearly there has been inadequate financial information. For example, there has been no explanation of who will pay for the municipal services required by the 2,500 new tower residents, given that 90 per cent of their taxes are being diverted to pay for the stadium/event centre rather than for needed incremental services. There have been no options presented whereby residents could weigh in on whether, for instance, the LRT-less Lansdowne is the best location for a new entertainment centre.
And there certainly has not been adequate time for the public to respond. The City of Ottawa is rushing through a zoning bylaw amendment to allow construction of the three towers and has already sought “expressions of interest” for the purchase of the tower air rights.
It’s unlikely that there will be any “conscientious consideration” of residents’ perspectives when it appears as though the City is already well on its way to realizing the OSEG-City vision.
It’s a repetition of the consultation pattern of the earlier Lansdowne project completed in 2014 that promised “a new, vibrant and transformed Lansdowne as a world-class venue that would [among other things] revitalize the existing stadium and arena for sports and entertainment events.” Now, the City and OSEG want to demolish the “revitalized” stadium and arena and waste the tens of millions that was spent on the renovations.
One positive note: the “public realm/urban park” portion of Lansdowne 1.0 reflected community input and it has been a notable success. Now, however, Lansdowne 2.0 proposes to reduce the size of the public realm because parkland is needed for the new entertainment centre.
The advocates of both phases of Lansdowne refurbishment have argued that the changes are/will be much better than what previously existed because the large surface parking lots have been eliminated. The reality is that the parking lots have been replaced by new commercial buildings that have fundamentally changed the nature of the park.
Public consultation grade for both Lansdowne 1.0 and 2.0: F
Flora Footbridge
In contrast, the consultation process for the Flora Footbridge was long and varied. There was even a separate consultation process for selecting the name for the bridge. The idea for the project itself was long shared by many residents so that consultation wasn’t a matter of pushing back against something being done to a community but rather working to make an idea as good as possible for as many as possible.
Key aspects of the consultation were an environmental assessment that sought residents’ views and three open houses that invited residents’ comments. Also, the City’s project manager, Colin Simpson, was very open to discussing the proposal with residents.
Initially deemed by a Glebe resident “a bridge to nowhere,” the proposal gained traction and with the critical support of then-new Ottawa Centre MP Catherine McKenna and then-MPP Yasir Naqvi most of the necessary funding was provided by the federal and provincial governments, so the proposal did not encounter delays on the financial front. Also, Councillor David Chernushenko was a steadfast proponent of the bridge. The three community associations of Old Ottawa East, Old Ottawa South and the Glebe were all strong supporters of the project so that gave impetus for moving forward.
Several design issues were not resolved to the satisfaction of a number of parties, most notably how the east-side abutment and ramp blocks the Canal views of Echo Drive residents and also the hairpin turn on the east ramp. And the initial graceful, curved shape with a wider deck at the middle was scrapped when the City did a “value-engineering” review of the project in an effort to reduce costs.
All principles for good consultation were respected.
Public consultation grade: A
John Dance is an active member of the Old Ottawa East Community Association, a keen observer of municipal affairs and a regular contributor to the Glebe Report.
Reprinted from The Mainstreeter, Old Ottawa East’s community voice. For the full article, go to The Mainstreeter website at
The Flora Footbridge benefitted from good public consultation. Photo: John Dance