St. Matthew’s treasures boutique goes online

By Margret Nankivell

St. Matthew’s, the Anglican Church in the Glebe, launched an online Treasures Boutique in March. It has already sold about 300 items – a great success! The boutique sells art, antiques, books, housewares, furniture and jewellery, a wonderfully eclectic selection of items, new and old.

The store’s sales will help offset the revenues that will be lost by the cancellation of the Great Glebe Garage Sale for the second straight year (a virtual sale will go on instead). People and businesses who participate in that fabulous neighbourhood event are traditionally asked to contribute 10 per cent of their revenues to the Ottawa Food Bank, and St. Matthew’s has always done that. This year, we will contribute at least 10 per cent of online boutique revenues to the food bank; the rest of boutique revenue also goes to charity.

The fundraising team was able to adapt the platform used for last November’s successful auction, so the online store website has the same clean look and is very user-friendly. For organizers, it is simple to monitor sales and upload new items including photos, descriptions and prices.

Items, some costing as little as a few dollars, are being added virtually every day, so shoppers are encouraged to keep watching the store catalogue. Curbside pick-ups can be made on Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon.

We are seeking donations of items of value for the auction that we are planning this November. The outreach beneficiary for the auction will be the FACES refugee group (First Avenue Churches and Community). If you would like to donate items, please contact us at

Please visit us at or follow the link from St. Matthew’s website:

Margret B. Nankivell is the St. Matthew’s fundraising chair and a long-time parishioner.

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