The Glebe’s little free libraries
By Judy Field
Whether your passion for reading includes mystery, romance, humour, travel or biographies, the growing number of little libraries popping up on Glebe lawns offer titles for all ages and most interests. On a recent walkabout in the neighbourhood, I counted 10 little libraries, all unique in design and construction.
Several Glebe residents have registered their little libraries with Little Free Library, a non-profit organization that promotes neighbourhood book exchanges. Their focus is a “take a book, return a book” free-book exchange for anyone who wants to share a book or pick up a book.
Dominique Milne’s library on Broadway Avenue was built by her father – he used an old wood box that he made when she was little for the walls of the library and cedar shingles for the roof. Everyone in Milne’s family is an avid reader, and they wanted to make reading accessible to all. “No restricted hours, don’t need a card,” she says. Milne loves checking on the library periodically to see what books people have left as well as what titles they take. “I find it fascinating,” she says.
Queen Elizabeth Place resident Neil Brommell built his Little Free Library from scratch, using recycled wood and parts. Brommell has a particular fondness for Dr. Seuss, and this is displayed prominently in verse and characters on the library he recently designed and painted. He enjoys walking around the Glebe to see what books he’ll find in other peoples’ libraries. “It’s fun and a good way to reuse and to educate,” he says, “and spark conversation with my neighbours.”
To start your own little free library, visit for details.
Judy Field, volunteer extraordinaire, volunteers with the Glebe Report and the Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre, among other activities.