Yes, parking on Bronson Avenue
Dear Editor, Glebe Report
Did you know that parking is allowed on Bronson Avenue south of the Queensway? Do you wonder why the city installs “No parking for special events” signs on Bronson?
Not many people are aware that parking on Bronson south of the Queensway and the canal has been permitted for many years. The parking is in off-peak hours and on weekends, except where prohibited or during special events (like the Great Glebe Garage Sale).
Several years ago, during an earlier design exercise, some quick and easy things to help with traffic calming were discussed with the city, and some were implemented. One was the reinstatement of parking on Bronson south of the Queensway to the canal. It was pointed out to the city that the business district north of the Queensway on Bronson had evening, overnight and weekend parking, but south of the Queensway where there are more residential buildings, there was no such parking. Skipping the details, parking was reinstated, signs were installed, and parking zones were marked clearly.
When the parking zones were clearly lined in paint, people did park on Bronson when and where permitted, and there was a decrease in speeding. After some roadwork and repaving, the city has not repainted the parking zone lines, despite many requests. The lack of painted lines has made it difficult to see the parking zones, but parking is indeed permitted – one just has to see the signs.
Cathy Simons