
We welcome submissions from all members of the Glebe community about events and issues in or relevant to the Glebe. All ages are welcome to submit. The Glebe Report strives to be inclusive and to represent the full diversity of the community we serve. Submissions by those outside the community are welcome and may be accepted if space is available.

We seek original unpublished writing including articles, profiles, memoirs, opinion pieces, book and film reviews and essays. We feature a Poetry Quarter: check our social media for themes and criteria.

Submit by email on or before the issue deadline to Let us know if your material could be published at a later date.

Selected material will be published both in print and online at

We reserve the right to edit all submissions (except poetry).


Articles should be 725-750 words, preferably accompanied by one or more high-resolution uncropped JPG photos sent as separate files. Include:

  • Your name, phone number, address and email address
  • Relevant and brief (one or two lines) biographical information
  • Photo captions and credits

Letters to the Editor should be a maximum of 300 words and include your name, phone number, address and email address.

Photographs and Artwork: We welcome submissions of photographs and artwork for consideration. Send photos as high-res, uncropped JPGs. Unless taken at a public event or venue, obtain express permission to publish photos of people in the Glebe Report print and online. If minors are identifiable, permission from parents must be sent to the editor. See also Gallery.

Copyright remains with the creators who, by submitting their material, grant the Glebe Report one-time rights to publish it in print and online.

See our Terms of Use.

Editorial Deadlines


Editorial Policies and Practices


The Glebe Report is an independent, not-for-profit community newspaper intended to inform residents of the Glebe, Glebe Annex and Dow’s Lake Area on local news, happenings and opinions, to serve as a voice for the community, and to reflect the community back to itself.

The Glebe Report serves a community located on the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin nation.

It is published monthly (except July) on paper and on the web at The paper edition is delivered free to all households in the neighbourhood and to certain businesses and organizations. It is also available in newspaper boxes located on Bank Street in the Glebe and Old Ottawa South. The Glebe Report also maintains a social media presence and publishes a monthly e-Newsletter for subscribers.



The Glebe Report publishes on topics of interest to all sectors of the Glebe, Glebe Annex and Dow’s Lake communities, including children, students, parents, seniors and other residents. Coverage includes reports on current and emerging issues important to the community, as well as articles reflecting the wide range of interests and perspectives of people residing or working in the Glebe.

The Glebe Report seeks to reflect the range of voices and views in the community without bias as to age, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity or other identities. The Glebe Report does not publish content that is considered defamatory or offensive to the shared values of the community, as judged by the Editor.

We seek original, unpublished articles of 725 to 750 words that create context and convey up-to-date information on common concerns. We highlight initiatives, projects, programs, events, services and businesses in the community, through profiles, opinion pieces, book reviews, creative writing and essays, photography and artwork.

Articles and photographs are sought primarily from residents and organizations in the community. Articles by those outside the community may be accepted if space is available.

The Glebe Report generally carries regular columns by the president of the Glebe Community Association, the executive director of the Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group and the Councillor for Capital Ward, as well as occasional columns by the president of the Glebe Annex Community Association, trustees for local school boards, the Glebe BIA, the local MPP, the local MP and the mayor.

The Glebe Report does not normally publish obituaries, except at the Editor’s discretion.

In all instances, the Editor’s decision is final on the content of the paper, and on whether and when to publish submitted articles. Opinions expressed in articles are those of the authors.


The Glebe Report welcomes and encourages letters to the editor from Glebe, Glebe Annex and Dow’s Lake residents on topics of interest to the community. Letters may be 100 to 300 words in length. Opinions expressed in letters to the editor are those of the authors. In all instances, the Editor’s decision is final on whether and when to publish letters.


The Glebe Report covers local business news, and is supportive of local independent businesses where possible. Articles submitted by businesses may be accepted if they focus on topics of broad interest to the readership, and do not directly promote the business or its products or services.


We reserve the right to edit all articles and letters for publication.
For each article, the Editor decides on the manner of publication, allocation of space, choice of illustration, headline, subheads, and other layout and publication details.

The Glebe Report uses Canadian Press style, modified by our own style sheet.
Named persons are normally identified fully on first appearance in an article, and by last name thereafter. Minor children are normally identified with their first name and initial.

Editing will be undertaken to correct grammar, spelling, punctuation and word usage; to clarify meaning; to correct factual errors identified through basic fact checking; and to adjust for length. Efforts will be made to consult the author if more significant editing is considered.

As far as possible, articles will be published under a byline and include a brief (one- or two-line) bio of the author.

Opinions expressed in articles and letters are those of the authors.


As far as possible, photographs will be published with captions and photo credits. Unless taken at a public event, submitters must obtain express permission to publish photos in the Glebe Report in print and online. If minors are identifiable, written confirmation of permission from parents must be obtained.


The Glebe Report does not pay writers or photographers for their submissions. It may consider paying certain expenses for regular columnists (e.g., movie tickets for film reviewers).


Copyright on individual texts, photos and representations of artworks belongs to the creators, who, by submitting their material, grant the Glebe Report one-time rights to publish their work in print and online.


The Glebe Report publishes paid advertising up to a maximum of 40% of each issue. For advertising policies, see the Advertising web page.

Back Cover

The back cover of the Glebe Report, when folded, is the page most visible to readers. The back cover features local artists’ artwork or photos of local scenes; aims for an artistic or striking aesthetic; and strives for a distinctive look month over month.


The Grapevine section of the paper is a free community bulletin board open only to Glebe residents, listing classified ads for community events and connections; items wanted, lost and for sale (under $1,000); help wanted and available; items wanted; and so on.


The Glebe Report publishes a selection of its monthly content once a month on its website, The website includes paid advertising (see advertising policies). The website archive comprises complete issues from inception in 1973 to the current issue.

Social Media

The Glebe Report maintains a social media presence that includes, as of June 2020, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram profiles. We use social media to alert readers to a new issue of the Glebe Report, to promote articles in the Glebe Report, to broaden our readership, and to inform readers of events or community news on a timely basis between monthly issues. We repost relevant community news and share important posts from local community organizations. We do not repost local businesses’ posts that are promotional in nature or serve essentially as advertising, although we may post about articles they have written in the Glebe Report.

We reserve the right, without notice, to delete any comments from readers that are perceived as offensive, abusive, threatening or otherwise represent unacceptable forms of expression. This includes, but is not limited to, statements that are considered to be defamatory, pornographic or racist.